Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just gets better and better!

The past two days have been completely crazy!... in a good way. It's hard to express how blessed I feel to be a part of what God is doing in Bangkok. We've only been here for less than a week, and already we have seen so much answer to prayer-- and most of those prayers were uttered before our team even arrived in the country. It's one thing to see God move after I personally have been praying for something, but to see him move in response to other people's prayers over weeks and months and get to be a part of it is like a total gift. It's nothing that I fought for, but yet I get to receive the blessing.

That's how I would describe the last couple of days, a total blessing. Friday was just one answered prayer after another. We saw runaways come home, the lost were found, and the captives were set free, literally. It's like Isaiah 61 in living form.

I guess I will have to explain our day for you to understand what all happened... We walked to Dton Naam in the morning and spent some time in prayer in worship. Then we went to eat lunch at a restaurant we've been frequenting, and out of nowhere one of the lady boys shows up, one of the runaways. At the same time this is happening, one of the other boys who had sort of been missing in the slums showed up. So we taught drawing, business, and photography classes in the afternoon, and spent time praying with the boys individually. I got to be a part of seeing one of the boys set free from a lot of torment, and was amazed by the power of God to transform a life. After blessing him, he jumped up, hugging and high-fiving all of us. He was so filled with joy and life whereas before he was very quiet and subdued. It was amazing!

Another beloved lady boy showed up towards the end of the night, after having picked up his French friend whom he had met on the internet. It was definitely concerning, so seeing him that night was yet another answer to prayer. All of us went out to a resaurant on Soi Cowboy, a famous street that has been in quite a few movies. It was like dinner with family, a celebration really of everything that had happened. Several of us went to a pub afterward and listened to an amazing Ska (sp?) band play. I felt more like I was in Europe than Bangkok haha.

Yesterday was just as eventful. We went to the GINORMOUS market in the morning, spending several hours shopping and eating. It's crazy how inexpensive everything is here. I wanted to buy everything in sight, but sadly I only brought a carry on size suitcase :( Last night we split up and did different outreaches. I went to a Lebanese restaurant, where our server told us what we were going to eat haha, it was awesome and delicious. A few of us girls went back to the lady boy bars, the guys went on a treasure hunt, and four others went to find one of the lady boys two of them encountered the first night we did outreach that wanted to get out and offered him a job. Sounds like things went amazingly and he is most likely going to take the job! We had some good group time together as well, just talking and playing games. Everyone on the team is amazing, and I love that we're all here together.

Today we have a free day, so I've been taking it easy. I'm about to get my first Thai massage which I've heard so many great things about. Tonight we'll be going to a park to listen to some live music and eat some street food :)

This week we will be spending most of our time with Nightlight. It sounds like it's going to be an intense week with a lot of prayer ministry and outreach, and I'm so excited to see what other prayers God answers! Thanks again for all of your prayers!!! We can feel them :)

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