Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What a strange feeling to fit in somewhere

Orientation began on Monday this week and already I am absolutely loving everything about LA and LAFSC!!  In the morning, we learned a lot about the Hollywood culture and how it is important that we don't view it in negative terms, but learn to appreciate it for the culture that it is.  Just like any foreign culture that you want to be apart of, you learn to observe their customs and their way of interacting with each other.  Hollywood definitely has a different culture than the rest of the world, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Our afternoon session was absolutely amazing!! Jim Cavell and his wife Karen (she is the creator of the Hollywood prayer network) came and talked about sharing our faith in Hollywood.  It is such an amazing mission field that most Christians never get into for lots of reasons, mostly because the church has tended to just remove its hands from whatever the world takes over, including film.  But God is moving! I've heard that over and over since I first got here.  There are so many Christians just living their lives the way God wants them to in the midst of Hollywood, in the industry, and God is opening doors for people to hear the gospel. Most people don't even know the gospel and they are very curious to know what  Christians are like because there is such a negative stereotype.  Jim and Karen were SO super encouraging because they kept reminding us that though can't save the world, just showing up everyday and living the way God calls us to live MAKES A DIFFERENCE. People notice when you are different. Which leads me to my next thought...

It is so ironic that in a culture that is so foreign and opposite of what I believe I feel so at home.  Don't get me wrong, starting an internship in the crazy world that is Hollywood kind of intimidates me, but I know that there's nowhere else I would rather be than right here and that is such an amazing feeling! I see the gifts that God has given me and the passion to share his love with people and I can finally see the pieces of my life coming together.  Not that I have any idea where my career will take me, but as far as people and ministry, this is where I feel like I can definitely be used.  OH MY GOODNESS. What a crazy and amazingly wonderful feeling!!

Well that's about all I have time for tonight.  It's only Tuesday, but already I've had a lot of stuff to do! But it doesn't feel like work because I am thoroughly enjoying everything right now! One more thing:  last night I went to the Milky Way which is a restaurant owned by Stephen Spielberg's mom and I met her! She came to our table and just started talking to us.  She's like 4 feet tall and really old, but she's the funniest and sweetest old lady I have ever met.  If I ever have a bad day, I am so heading there because she would definitely cheer me up!  What a crazy amazing place I am in :)