Sunday, January 30, 2011

All I want is Jesus

God is good.
That basically sums up everything I think.  Seriously.  Why do I ever doubt him?  Why do I complain?  I feel like God must get tired of my prayers sometimes because even though my "strength" happens to be adaptability, I don't think my prayer life reflects that.  Every time life changes, I cry to God asking why are you doing this to me? How could you let this happen?
How pathetic am I?

Sometimes I wish I could just keep my mouth shut and trust that God knows what he's doing.  I bet if I were to actually hear God, he would be saying "shut up, Jackie.  I got this"  Ha.

When I came back to Point Loma a couple weeks ago, I was having a hard time adjusting to life at school again.  I kept thinking about how much I missed LA and the people I met there.  So I asked God to help me be content where I am, because I really don't want this to be another dreaded semester at school, and my last one at that.  And I would say that he has answered that prayer.  I can't say that everything is cake and ice cream, but I am OK with where I am at.  I've stopped trying to figure everything out and just live one day at a time.

Well, I guess that's not one hundred percent true... The past few weeks or so I've been really longing for heaven.  Maybe it has to do with the book I read Heaven is for Real, or thinking about Nicole and wishing I could see what she's doing.  I'm not sure.  I just suddenly have this longing to really experience Heaven.  I think I probably have tasted it before, but I know there has to be more than that and I don't see why I shouldn't ask for it.  I don't have anything profound to say that I'm learning or any great epiphanies God has given me.  All I have is a hunger and a thirst to know God and to see his face.

I am thankful to be in a place where I finally feel myself again and I am at peace with not having all the answers as to why God does things the way he does.  I realized after coming back to San Diego how much God was able to heal my heart while I was in LA.  Being in an environment surrounded by people with the same dreams and goals as me really touched my heart in a new way.  I finally felt at home.  It isn't until you've found a place that feels like home that you suddenly realize how long you have wandered before finding it.  I never realized how alone and insecure I felt before my semester in LA.  And I'm sure I still have a ways to go, but I feel a lot closer to knowing who God has created me to be.

So my prayer now is that God would show me more of himself on his terms, not on mine.  I want to know God and see him how he truly is, not how I think he should be.  No matter where I live or what I am doing, the only thing that will satisfy is Him.  I want to see his face and behold his glory so that when I walk away I am changed.  This is what's burning on my heart.  Him.  Only more of him.