Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Walking on Water

It's crazy how drastically our lives can change in a matter of a moment. How so many choices we make suddenly all culminate at once and the course of our lives is dramatically changed forever. I've experienced that moment only a few times in my life, and it always seems to happen when I'm making a big life decision. The truth however, is that there are actually hundreds of smaller moments of decisions being made that have led up to that particular life-changing moment. Our futures and destinies are actually being decided every day by the little decisions we make, like what we give our attention to, how we think, and how we spend our time. 

I don't know about you, but I've found that in my life there are times when it is easier to make decisions and times when it seems increasingly more difficult. In those more difficult seasons, it's almost as if I can sense the weight of each and every decision I make, and so I almost become paralyzed from fear of making the wrong choice, or rather, settling for something less than what I could have chosen if I had only endured a little longer. 

It's in the latter season that I find myself presently, and I'm admittedly not very excited about it. Because it's not fun. It's hard, and confusing, and it's uncomfortable. As much as I know in my head that I should be excited about it because it means I'm growing and maturing, what I want to do in reality is exactly the opposite. I want to bury my head in the sand, or anything else equally as lame, as long as it doesn't involve making any kind of decisions. Most days I find myself completely motivated to do all the things on my heart to do, but today is just not one of those days. 

I wish I had some wise words or advice to give that might help those of you who find yourselves in the same boat. But the reality is, when Jesus calls you out onto the water, you have to do it on your own. Nobody else can walk on water for you. And that's the truth we all have to face in our lives at some point. As scary and uncomfortable as it can be, it's the only way we can move forward. I only hope and pray that you and I have the faith to listen and get out of the boat when it's time. Because I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay in the boat where I've already been. I want to go to new places, and I'll do whatever it takes, even if that means walking on some water.

1 comment:

  1. Great advise for people of all ages! Thanks for the reminder to "walk on water". God bless.
