Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Only boring people get bored

Hello world! After a very long break from blogging, I am officially back and at it again. I'd rather not get into all the nitty gritty details of the past 2 years--there's so much to tell I could probably write an entire book about it--so instead I shall start from the present and just fill you in on the historic details whenever needed for the purposes of telling this present story. What say you, shall we begin? 

First off, let me just say I have so missed writing! Somewhere between de-boarding the plane after 4 months abroad, moving back to LA, and finally landing a job, I seem to have grown so consumed with life that I forgot to share it with you all. Sad, I know. I mean how could you have possibly lived without my crazy life adventures to entertain you? Surely you must have wept hours and hours from such a loss, and for that I am truly sorry. But my friends, please take heart, for I have not forever left you in your sorrowful state as I have many a new story to share with you. And I realize that may come as a shock to you. Many of you are probably wondering how my life now could possibly be as interesting and entertaining as my life of traveling, but I assure you, it is. 

I've come to realize the truth in the saying that only boring people get bored. In the same way that we are all given the opportunity to do something interesting with our lives, life has the potential to be a wild and crazy adventure, whether you're working a regular 9-5 at a job you hate or you're living you're dreams of exploring the world and taking in the most beautiful scenery you could ever lay eyes upon, it all depends on us. Now I'm not trying to ignore the fact that life has a tendency of throwing us curve balls now and then or completely knocking us on our faces. Believe me, I've been there, just last week actually. And in those times, sometimes all you can do is sit there crying and nursing your wounds. To a certain extent, that's all good and healthy. But there comes a point when you have decide whether or not you're going to take all the hard things life throws at you lying down or if you're gonna stand up and keep pushing forward. Will you choose to believe you are a strong individual who has the strength and courage to endure, or will you choose to be a victim of circumstances you will never be able to fully control? 

I hate to be another resounding bell, but it's really all about perspective. I remember countless times when Colton and I were traveling through Europe when something wouldn't go as planned (in the rare occasion that we actually had a plan I should add). Something would happen like a train strike in Cinque Terre, Italy on the day we were supposed to leave, or getting stuck in a small town on Easter with no place to stay and no way of leaving, or even getting out bags stolen in France. There were so many circumstances that we couldn't prevent (and admittedly some that we probably could've) and each time we had a choice of how we would react. I'd like to say that we always chose to face any given setback with a positive attitude and a sense of humor, but I know that wasn't always the case. However, I do remember pretty early on that no matter what happened, we always ended up coming to the conclusion that, well, at least this will make a good story! 

Having that attitude I think is what really got us through some of the hardest times. We didn't ignore the fact that sure, some aspects of traveling are just not very fun or glamorous, but knowing that we had a story to tell gave us the perspective that one day we would be on the other side of whatever obstacle we faced and when it was all said and done we would look back and laugh at our present misery. Because at least it made a good story. I wonder how different our day to day lives would be if we took the same approach? We would say sure, I may not be where I want to be in life right now, but at least I'll have a story. This isn't the end. And even though it's hard, I'm not going to give up because one day when I'm looking back at the crazy things that happen to me I'm going to let out the biggest gut-busting laugh you've ever heard. Because it will actually be funny. When we see things in retrospect it's amazing how small they seem. The things that once stressed us out and made us angry are not that important any more. They don't even make sense in light of where we're standing in the future because we've made it to the other side. And we know how good it is. 

I am sure a lot of you, if not all, can relate when I say that sometimes life is just downright difficult, especially if you're living in city like Los Angeles. There are days when I wonder if this is all worth it. If moving all the way across the country, away from my family, to one of the most expensive places to live was just a big mistake. It may be years until I am able to answer that question, but for now I'll take comfort in the fact that if nothing else, at least I'll have a pretty good story to tell one day. Besides, isn't that what we all really want anyway?

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