Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1, 2012 - Travel Blog

I promised a travel blog, so for those of you who have been waiting, here it is! Well, at least the first one. We'll see how far I get after this... :)
We left Ohio on March 13th to embark on our long awaited, yet not very planned journey. Ha. The only thing we knew is that we would be doing a HelpX in Monamvasia, Greece for two weeks, and then after that we would head to Italy, France, and Spain.
So we arrived in Athens where we stayed for several days, mostly just to see the touristy things since we didn't really know what else to do. For the most part, Athens is just another big city. Lots of buildings and cement. Most people speak some English, but where we decided to couch surf happened to be in a little more sketchy part of town (Not so much that we felt unsafe. Actually, after arriving in Athens, we found out how much the media in America has over dramatized the riots and strikes here. It's basically just a few stupid people that do something dumb enough to get on the news, not hundreds or thousands...) Actually, I was sort of surprised by how peaceful it felt to be in Athens. For such a large city, it felt so much more quiet than the usual hustle and bustle I've grown used to feeling in LA. But, another big city it is, so we decided not to spend much time there.
We saw the acropolis and walked around the city center where there were a bunch of cute cafes and restaurants on the street. It was fun imagining what it would be like for the ancient Greeks to go to the temple way up on top of the hill and see the historic architecture. In the city center we had our first souvlaki pita which was delicious! One afternoon that was particularly cold, we decided to sit for a couple hours in the square and just watch people... there were a lot of school groups there and other tourists, and you could tell the tourists from the locals a mile away; Colton and I would just shake our heads in embarrassment haha, "tacky Americans...."
The first day we took the subway, a guy got on with an accordion and started playing. It took everything in me not to laugh, but all the Greeks ignored him, and I didn't understand why. Well when we went to the center of Athens, I saw more people, mostly children, playing accordions for money. Then it made sense to me, and it soon became a nuisance when they would follow you around playing.  A lot of women and children would also come up to us and try to sell us tissues. I wonder if they actually make any money from that...
After Athens, we took a bus to Monamvasia in southern Greece where we did our first HelpX with Fokke and Maria. They hosted us for two weeks and we did all kinds of things for them; cutting and stacking wood, walking the dog, cracking nuts, a bit of gardening, cutting the grass (literally with scissors), and sanding a few tables. Fokke and Maria live on a mountain with one of the best views of the ocean and Monamvasia. Often we had free time to hike the trails or go to the beach if we wanted, and the weather was always perfect. I learned so much from Maria about the local plants that they have in their own backyard and the process of making olive oil. Maria is German and Fokke is Dutch, but they both spoke very good English and were able to fill us in on the local customs. In the small mountain villages, the Greeks are very honoring of each other. If a woman is home alone, a man will not visit her because he doesn't want to put her in a compromising situation. We also found out that a person's word is all you need in making a deal. Say if someone doesn't have enough money at the time to pay for something, the person the money is due will let them pay later. That was so amazing to me. I don't think I would ever want to be the person being owed...
We ate very heartily every day too, a nice reward for our work :) Maria makes the best cakes and bread and marmalade, and pretty much everything haha. Fokke cooked a couple times too, curry was always a main ingredient (even in eggs), and it was also delicious. We will definitely miss those meals.
Being in Monamvasia was like being on a retreat in a way, not many people around and beautiful nature all around, and I learned so much!
Now we are headed to Santorini! I am so so excited! Ever since I was a teenager and I saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants I have wanted to go to Santorini, so I am so excited to see what sort of adventure awaits us. FIrst, we will probably crash for a bit since we didn't sleep much last night. We took a bus to the port last night and got there around 11 and our ferry left at 7:30 the next morning, so we tried sleeping on the benches outside, but it was cold and Colton already wasn't feeling well that day. So we haven't really slept much. I think Santorini will be a nice way to relax and explore for a few days. Can't wait!

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