Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Your Breakthrough is my breakthrough

So I realize it's been a while since I last wrote... not a lot has happened, but yet a lot has happened, if that makes sense.  As far as internships go, I am still waiting to hear back from anyone about even getting an interview, but like I've been hearing a lot at church lately, other people's breakthrough is my breakthrough so I am going to have an internship just like my roommates have an internship.  On the topic of church, I was very excited to find that Expression 58, a nondenominational church quite a lot like Bethel, is right down the road from my apartment so I can actually walk there on Sunday mornings.   So far it has been so perfect and just what I need at this time in my life.  Every service feels like God ordained it just for me.  It feels good to get fed at church again lol.  After not having one particular church I'm committed to for more than a month or two, it feels good to find a place that I could see becoming my home church in California.  And the worship is so free so of course I love it :)  I've been going with one of my roommates and a couple of other people from LAFSC go as well.  I'm planning on getting more involved as the semester goes on.

On the note of school, we had a very long break for labor day so I feel as if I've been on vacation for the past week or so.  On Friday, we went to the director of LAFSC's house for dinner.  I loved her house! It reminded me of something out of Hanzel and Gretel.  It was very antiquie/rustic and European.  Stain glass windows filled the walls and the doorways were several feet thick, the whole house felt like it could be the set of a movie. Fitting, I think.  To top it off, in the dining room sat chairs that reminded me of the thrones of the kings and queens of old in The Chronicles of Narnia.  Needless to say, I sat down in one chair, feeling as if I were queen of Hollywoodland. 

Saturday, we decided to venture out to the shores of Malibu.  Sadly, the weather was not so friendly, and we decided to leave after about an hour because of the chill in the wind.  Other than that, it was beautiful.  After stopping for a quick snack at the local Starbucks, we drove to Point Dume where the views were breathtaking.  We could see the ocean for miles on end from the cliffs we stood upon.  After that, we rode up to Pepperdine to another lookout point, equally as beautiful.  After filling up our tummies with some delicious Mexican food, we made our way back to Park LaBrae where we finished the night with a nice soak in the hot tub (which is become quite a regular occurrence) 

Sunday, I went to church at Expression 58 and was blown away by God's love... I feel him beginning to romance me again and it is so sweet.  He took me into an encounter where he washed me and replaced my torn and stained robes with a beautiful long and white flowing dress.  I think it was symbolic for what he is doing to me in the spirit. Mmmm so refreshing :)  Sunday night I went to Mosaic and it was quite a different experience, but lovely just the same.  The service was held in a night club (sounds sketchy but I thought it was really beautiful) and the worship was great.  The sermon was about the devil oddly enough, and what he taught us in the garden.  It was a lot better than it sounds... ha!
I also decided to check out the fashion district with two roommates, which is not nearly as amazing as it sounds.  The streets are lined with vendors selling mostly fabric and some cheaply priced clothing.  I wouldn't have minded it, but the smell and the environment weren't very comforting.  We did however have someone compliment us, saying that we looked like the real Charlie's Angels. Whatever that means....

Monday, I went shopping with Rebecca, and thankfully found a few things I liked at Forever 21, our last stop of the day.  We went to a mall a few miles away that turned out to be a disappointment, and then tried Santa Monica, which is worth going to just to see the street performers.  While eating our snack from McDonald's, we were serenaded with songs from the classic disney princess stories.  It was wonderful!  

Seeing that I am a film student, I have also been watching a fair share of movies, just a few include Road to Perdition, A River Runs Through It, Leap Year, Pride and Prejudice, Blood Diamond (I don't think I ever want to buy a diamond again!), Sense and Sensibility, When in Rome, Hitch.... you get the picture. After a while I got kind of tired of watching so many movies, but then I realized that this is what I'm going to school for and I began to look at these films in a new light.  It is not just entertainment, but research too.  And I actually mean that. haha There's so much that goes into making a film, so why not actually take time to appreciate those things?

Tuesday, I was so happy to discover that one, I had not been chosen as director for our HPW(hollywood production workshop), and two I had been given the position of Production Designer!  I know I know, you're probably thinking what?! I thought you want to be a director!  Well, I think so, but the directors have a huge responsibility and I wouldn't mind that, but I think there are others that would do better than me and whom I could definitely learn from.  Plus, the more I heard about what a production designer does, the more I realized, I can do that! Like I'm actually really good at that.  It's very artsy.  You get to decide the look of the film through costume, makeup, set design, colors, etc.  I LOVE it! It's so perfect.  I don't know if it's what i want to do in the long run, but it is definitely something I want to look into, so in essence, my position is exactly what I needed. 

Today has not been nearly as exciting, but I have enjoyed it very much.  I spent the morning cleaning the apartment (which was very needed btw) and then watched a movie until my other roommate was up.  On the topic of cleaning, I am beginning to realize I have taken on my dad's trait of cleanliness.  I can't stand it when the apartment is a mess! If I'm the only one that cleans it, that's disappointing, but it has to be clean! So I will do it.  Kellie and I did a little latin dancing in the family room this afternoon to the Dancing with the Stars cardio workout.  It kicked my butt!  Then we chilled by the pool and relaxed and I made dinner, a scrumptious sloppy joe on french bread, one of my favorites :)  It was a hit with the roommates!  

Tomorrow, I have class for most of the day so I will have something to do.  Until I finally get my internship though, there's not much I can do other than relax and enjoy my vacation from real life, which I think I can handle... :)  Until then, happy Rest!

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