Saturday, August 21, 2010

I feel like I am always moving...

It is 8:04pm on Saturday night in LA and I am finally all moved in to my sweet new apartment!! I'm soo super excited for what God has in store for this semester.  I get a feeling that this is another piece to the puzzle of my life that is eventually going to form one marvelous picture that I can't even begin to imagine right now! Already it's been a crazy day just checking in and all that fun stuff but I got a parking space!!! whooohoooo ptl! (praise the lord ;)) I am also very glad that I bought a GPS that I affectionately call Alice. She has served me well so far in this gigantic city and I think she will be great company this year.

Driving out here took us 3 days.  We stopped in Tulsa and Flagstaff and San Diego for the night.  It was super long and I hope I never have to do it again! Driving through the desert was so HOT! But the country and mountains were beautiful.  It was very refreshing to arrive at the coast and feel the sea breeze in my hair once again.  That is one thing I am sure to miss this summer-- the ocean view I've had for the past two years.  Oh well, for now I will enjoy the lights illuminating the sky in the heart of LA and the bustling traffic always in a hurry to get to someplace. (which kind of scares me!! haha that will definitely take some getting used to) Thankfully ol' Bessy (my car) made it all the way out to California in good condition!  She will definitely be getting some miles put on her...

Tomorrow we have a full day of events. I am not quite sure what they all entail, but part of the day includes shopping orientation.  haha now that's my kind of orientation!  Right now I'm trying to catch up on my summer assignment of watching movies (right now I am enjoying The Searchers. The bad acting makes me laugh) and hopefully by Monday I can get my reel put together.  Thankfully a lot of stuff I need here is in walking distance.  Ralphs is a couple of blocks down the street, Kmart's close too and the Grove (gotta have a shopping mall) is right by.  My building is the closest to our school which is super nice because I won't be driving there since parking is a nightmare and way too expensive!  I will definitely be getting my exercise.  There's a pool for swimming laps here and a really nice gym so staying fit definitely won't be a problem. I might actually enjoying working out for once lol.

My apartment is way more spacious than I had anticipated and I am super glad. I will post some pictures once we have some things hanging on the walls.  Right now they are blank canvases waiting to be painted on with our creativity! I can't wait!

My roommates are four lovely girls that I am excited to get to know! I think so far we are off to a great start of becoming a miniature family :)  We have all agreed to each cook a meal once a week (I'm excited to finally have my very own kitchen!) and they all want to hang my paintings up on the walls so I feel very loved haha.

Well, I hate to go, but I already have so much that I need to get done and I wish I could just crawl into bed so bad.  I guess I can sleep when I'm dead... I've heard people say that before, I'm not sure that I really agree but we'll leave that up to your own opinions...Good night and happy adventures!!

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